Betsy Peters Rascoe
President, Lead Designer
Betsy Peters Rascoe
Design Dimension, Inc
Hometown: Wilson, NC
Why are you in Wilson? What keeps you here?
I was born and raised in Wilson. From an early age, I was going to camps at the Arts Council, participating in plays for Act for Youth, and playing sports through the Recreation Department. Involvement in community was a part of my upbringing and part of my support system. This is one of the reasons why I was drawn back after going to college. I felt the longing to “settle” in a place where I could begin to find community in my adult life. Now that I am here, I am constantly impressed with the push to become a more open-minded and inclusive space.
What does being a young professional mean to you? A young professional is an individual who is actively crafting and defining their professional mission. That mission is continually evolving because of community impact and support, making a positive impact on career paths and growth.
What about this community excites you?
The growing opportunities in leadership that are encouraging young people of all walks to have a voice, start something, create community, and inspire others. I look forward to changing the dialogue to find more initiatives that are developed “with” not “for” young people.
What about this community concerns you the most?
I would like to see more emphasis on programming/engaging with student (middle school/high school) groups to help them form opinions and confidently develop a sense of self. Becoming more involved in the community and developing relationships with mentors helps to create accountability and build connections.
How would you like to be involved in creating the future of Wilson? As a young professional, I feel that our voices are integral to the future of Wilson. Our different backgrounds, experiences, locales, and walks of life can bring a multitude of perspectives and voices to the table. This is community. I feel compelled to be part of that driving force that finds success for this town, that I feel, has so much potential.