Developing Wilson's Future Leaders

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Throughout its history, Wilson has benefitted from the contributions of many visionary leaders. These leaders seemed to develop naturally during a time when citizenship and civic duty were central points of focus for the most accomplished and respected members of our community. The Wilson Leadership Institute endeavors to be the authoritative source of leadership talent in Wilson. Facilitated by Wilson Forward and the Wilson Chamber of Commerce, the Wilson Leadership Institute is a rigorous 8-month course in applied leadership, designed to instruct individuals with demonstrated leadership potential, and deploy them to highly visible, public service leadership opportunities in Wilson. Participants are given practical and real-world training in the discipline of public service leadership, and work as a team to address an urgent community need.
The Wilson Leadership Institute

Learn More About WLI
WLI is a rigorous 8-month course in applied leadership, designed to instruct individuals with demonstrated leadership potential, and deploy them to highly visible, public service leadership opportunities in Wilson.
Participants are given practical and real-world training in the discipline of public service leadership, and work as a team to address an urgent community need.

Explore Past Cohort Projects
Each cohort is expected to collaboratively research a topic, specific to Wilson, that could be better understood with the application of effective leadership. The findings of the research are compiled into a final product and presented at the Wilson Forward Annual Meeting.
Past projects have included research into unemployment, youth development, the attraction and retention of young talent, educator retention, and a catalog of leadership opportunities available in Wilson.